Our Beleifs
It is crucial that the criminal element that has been infiltrating almost every aspect of some targeted individuals' lives come to an end. There is no place in any democratic country that celebrates equality, liberty and justice for all those who seek it for such atrocities. We the people hold these truths to be self-evident, and we will not tolerate further erosion of the principles that made America the great nation that she is today. But those principals are eroding, Gang stalking is a real covert criminal grouping of people who believe they are above the law. The tactics they employ and the domestic terror they spread is one of the most insidious and destructive pack of lies this country has ever seen. If you are a targeted individual, we feel your pain. You are not alone, with enough love light and support we can enlighten the world and help peel back the layers of deception many of us have been living behind for so long. Please feel free to share your story. Your frustration. How you are feeling right now. whatever will help you correct the injury you have sustained, this is a safe place to do it. Much Love B W
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